Navah with a newly planted Crepe Myrtle Tree planted in honor of her beloved feline daughter, Charlene.
Earth Day 2021
My dedication for the well-being of all animals infiltrates my mind and Soul daily. In my dedication I live. In my dedication I grow. In my dedication I love. For this is my life's purpose.
I am honored to have the gift of connecting with the Spirit and energy of our beloved animal companions. It brings me great joy to bring clarification and awareness around issues that may otherwise be misunderstood.
Animals are always speaking to us. For they are extraordinary teachers and healers. They wait, oh, so patiently for us to open our hearts and connect with them. I can hear, feel and see their energies. I can comprehend their conscious awareness.
I am full of gratitude to assist you and your animal companions with healing, with clarity and with love.
May all beings be free,
Navah Raphael

Meet my animal family in Spirit
Spryte aka Granny - The Buddha
Shy by nature with the coat of a bobcat, Spryte was a beautiful simple Spirit with the energy of the Buddha. She enjoyed her solitude and one on one devotion to her human, me. She was patient, sweet, kind and quirky. She loved chasing rubber bands and loved her feeding station on the kitchen counter with her own goblet of fresh water. She enjoyed being carried in my arms as if she were flying high through the sky.
Spryte guides new animal Spirits to my family; she is a matchmaker behind the scenes. She is a creator of miracles. Her energy continues to flourish in my heart as overflowing abundant love, peace and devotion.

Raven - Pack Leader, Protector and Healer 2005-2019
Raven was the pack leader; the boss of the cats, dogs and humans in our home. She was a fierce force of protection for the family, dwelling and land around us.
She was a beautiful energy healer. Her love combined with the vibration of her purr healed your mind, body and soul as she rested on any area of your body that needed comfort or support.
Visitations from Raven are extraordinary! She loves to visit as birds of the sky with loud voices: owls, crows, hawks, woodpeckers and mockingbirds. She has great fun living in the Spirit world. She also visits as loud laughing squirrels and once as a deer. I can feel her presence and joy as she giggles at this extraordinary talent she possesses. Her joy is immeasurable.
Raven continues to be my teacher and guide about animals in Spirit. Through my eyes she is a Master Teacher.

Charlene - Pure Innocence
The pure essence of sweetness and innocence exuded from this special child. She was very simple. She loved being with her feline family, loved her stuffed cat nip squirrel and could not get enough of her multiple cat beds. She would look at you adoringly with pure sweetness pouring forth from her heart. While alive she taught me the importance of clean, healthy food for cats. She was a rescue who had severe pancreatitis and irritable bowl disease.
In Spirit, she visits me as winged creatures. Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. More recently she graced me with her presence as a beautiful bunny. Charlene loves to play in the Spirit world, she continues to grace my life with awe and wonder.