One of the recurring physical ailments I have witnessed over the years is kidney disease. It seems to be more and more common than not.
Through my own experience of being a cat mom, my cats, along with those of my clients have taught me specifically about the disease and have awakened me to what I feel is the true cause, diet.
I find it essential to pay attention to the ingredients in cat foods. Cats are carnivorous naturally and their systems are designed by nature as such to support this. Would you see a cat eating a carrot in a field? Or eating cranberries for breakfast? Would a cat add salt to a piece of chicken? Absolutely not! Then why are these and other fruits, vegetables and seasonings added to cat foods?
The more simplistic the ingredients the better. This is what I suggest to my clients. The first ingredient should always be meat. If an ingredient says "by-product" or "meal" it is a rendered food: a processed animal waste product. Soy seems to be a popular item to add to cat foods along with gluten, corn meals and brewers yeast. Cat foods that contain more than two or three ingredients, I personally do not buy for my cats.
Kibble is one of the greatest toxic polluters to a cat's system. I call it the big mac and potato chips of foods. Dry foods are filled with additives and fillers and are extremely dehydrating to the kidneys. The intestines and pancreas have to work extra hard to break down the food. Through my own exploration in animal communication sessions, I feel that long term use of kibble starts to build up in the physical body and creates high toxicity in the system. The feline body just can't keep up with digesting the daily consumption of pollutants. At some point this backfires.
Many cats are also on what I call the "home town buffet" diet. Where kibble is left out all day and night. Cats are not meant to be grazers. This type of feeding can lead to obesity, diabetes, kidney disease, allergies and various cancers.
I always suggest two feedings per day. One in the morning and one at night. Preferably wet food. While it may be a challenge to wean a cat off of kibble and the "all you can eat" diet, it truly will help support them in their health and longevity.
While it may cost more to feed your cat wet food, I truly feel that it outweighs the costs of treating your cat with kidney disease at the animal clinic or emergency hospital with x-rays, ultrasounds, blood panels, IV's, sub-q fluids, vitamin B12 shots anti-nausea medication, steroids, and prescription food diets which again, if you look at the ingredients are a strange combination of ingredients that just don't make sense.
Everything shared here is from my own perspective and personal experience in working with cats. We as guardians are always learning from each other and from every animal, no matter what the species. The messages shared here, not only come from me, but also come from them,
This post is dedicated to all the beloved felines who have transitioned from kidney disease. I love you all.